Highlights of the 2010 version of the annual Hiroshima Remembrance include an address by Binghamton Mayor Matt Ryan, a visit by a delegation from Hiroshima, and a talk by Pulitzer Prize winning author Herbert Bix entitled "The Political Legacy of the United States."
Other Speakers: Jack Gilroy, Helena Garan, Hiroshima Peace Delegation, Jim Clune
Ingo Bader has been active in a wide variety of social movements and the Left Party (German Socialist Party) since the early 1990s. He has been most active in campaigns against large scale redevelopment in Berlin where he is an editor of a local tenants paper. He is a member of The International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA) and has written widely on the subject of gentrification and alternative culture in Berlin.
Thanks to Rick Sprout of Two Rivers Bookstore in Binghamton, NY for hosting this event, which was sponsored by the People's Press.
With the recent implementation of new federal rules governing the disposition of so-called 'culturally unidentified human remains,' we find ourselves at an important juncture in the ongoing relationship between anthropology and the American Indians it studies. This has been an area of strong contention between both groups, something that most anthropology students and faculty at Binghamton University have experienced first hand. So too most in the department are well aware of some of the challenges that have arisen in the last few years when American Indian voices have made their way into academia.
Joe Heath
has been General Counsel for the Onondaga Nation since 1982 and an attorney since 1975. For the Nation, his work centers on environmental protection, particularly under the Clean Water Act, focusing on Onondaga Lake and Onondaga Creek; archeological site and unmarked burial site protection; NAGPRA repatriation and litigation; hunting and fishing rights; treaty rights; excise tax issues; and land rights. In addition to these current areas of work, Joe has extensive experience in civil rights litigation, having worked on the Attica civil rights class action case for 29 years before it settled in 2000 for $12 million, criminal defense and trials, family law, protection of abused and neglected children, and fighting domestic violence. Joe is also and active member of Veterans for Peace.
is a Bear Clan member and Akwesasne Mohawk, and a well-traveled lecturer and author. Doug George-Kanentiio is actively involved in issues affecting the Haudenosaunee confederacy in his capacity as columnist for the popular Indian Country Today and has written a number of critically acclaimed books including Iroquois on Fire and Skywoman: Legends of the Iroquois, co-written with his wife Joanne Shenandoah. So too he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Museum of the American Indian, and recently carried the winter Olympics torch through Haudenosaunee territory. Like Peter Jemison, he has and continues to advocate for the repatriation of all Haudenosaunee remains to their respective nations, and hopes to share this with our student body.
A descendant of the famous Mary Jemison, a frontierswoman captured and adopted by Seneca Indians in the 18th century, Peter Jemison wears many hats. He is a Heron Clan member of the Seneca Nation of Indians, is the representative for them on the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), has served on the Haudenosaunee Standing Committee on Burial Rules and Repatriation, is the manager of the Ganondagan State Historic site, is Faithkeeeper to the Cattaraugus Seneca Nation, serves on the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, is an author and has written many articles, and is an accomplished artist and filmmaker. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and he is willing to share his experience and perspectives with us.
Cosponsors of the event include the Graduate School, the Sociocultural and Multicultural Assembly of the GSO, the Anthropology Graduate Organization, the Binghamton Political Initiative, the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACAS), the Graduate History Society, the Computer Science Graduate Student Organization, and the Middle Eastern Cultural Association.
Back by popular demand....Probably my worst video in a technical sense (due to extremely low light and a new cheapo camera with which I was not totally familiar), but a good example of an early rally, perhaps the first, at which the demand for a statewide ban on fracking was energetically expressed.
Health educator Sylvester Johnson presents peer-reviewed published evidence of the link between cancer and heart disease and the consumption of excessive animal protein and fat. This evidence suggests that health and healing can be supported by eating more unrefined plant-based foods, and by moderate exercise. By switching from the Standard American Diet (SAD), Sylvester lost 50 pounds and reduced his cholesterol level. He feels like he has discovered the fountain of... extended middle age.
Sylvester holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Cornell University, and has managed businesses commercializing products ranging from glassy sugars for long-term preservation of biological materials such as enzymes, to computer hardware. He's a trained volunteer mediator with the Community Dispute Resolution Center, specializing in mediation of child visitation and custody. Sylvester is also a trainer with the Alternatives to Violence Project that uses guidelines for peaceful disputes during improvised role-playing by participants in workshops. Over the years, he has served as Chairman of the Cornell National Supercomputer Facility Usergroup, as a member of the Steering Committee of the Finger Lakes Entrepreneurs' Forum, a member of the Board of Directors of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, and Chairman of the Community Development Committee. He now devotes most of his efforts to public service.